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Privacy Policy

Who we are  


Lamptons Solicitors (“we”, “us”) take the privacy and confidentiality of our clients, potential clients and their affiliates and affiliated individuals very seriously and we are committed to protecting it.  


This Privacy Policy explains the type of information we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, who we might share it with and how to correct or modify it.  


By formally appointing us to act on your behalf as your solicitors, you agree to the processing of your personal information for the purposes described below. Accordingly, we are unable to provide legal services without processing your personal data as detailed below.  


Type of personal information we collect from you 


We collect and process your personal information in order to facilitate the provision of the professional service(s) for which you have instructed us. The personal information you supply to us in connection with your matter may include:  


  • Your title, your name, address, contact details, date of birth, gender, passport no/or ID number and email address.  

  • Employment details, Business details, Bank details, National Insurance number, bank statements etc.  

  • Information about your finances, and/or 

  • Information to assist us with providing a service to you  

  • Categories of personal data obtained by us: 

  • Publicly available information about you and/or your business (including through electronic sources) e.g. your HMRC details, your national insurance number, tax returns and tax-related information. 

  • Details of your spouse / partner and dependents or other family members. 

  • Your employment records including, where relevant, medical records, records relating to sickness and attendance, performance, disciplinary, conduct and grievances. 

  • Details of your pension arrangements. 

  • CCTV footage of you attending our offices. 

  • Any personal information or data provided to us by you. 

  • Other personal data contained in correspondence and documents we receive in relation to a matter which you may be a party or otherwise concerned. 


We may collect your personal data directly from you. However, on some occasions, we may also collect your personal data from other sources or third parties, including the following: 

  • Publicly accessible sources such as Companies House and the Land Registry. 

  • Third party service providers such as credit reference agencies. 

  • Your bank, building society or other financial institution or advisor. 

  • Your employer, professional body or pension administrator. 

  • Consultants and other professional engaged in relation to your matter. 

  • An executor or a trustee providing details of beneficiaries. 


We do not seek to obtain personal data that falls outside the scope of this privacy notice and we kindly request that individuals do not furnish us with any unnecessary personal data. In accordance with data protection legislation, we may destroy personal data supplied to us where we do not believe we have a sufficient legal basis to retain it. It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us. 


Your personal data will be held in electronic and/or manual format.  


 Why we collect your personal information  

 We will use your personal information for the following purposes:  

  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract we have with you, such as us providing you with legal or other services; and/or 

  • Processing is required of us by law, for example, to provide you with legal services we may need your identification details to perform an anti-money laundering check; and/or 

  • the legitimate business purposes associated with the operating of a law firm, such as auditing; 

  • to provide services ancillary relating to your matter for example instructing an expert  


How will we use your Personal Data? 

We may use your data in the following ways but only ever for the purpose for which it was collected: 

  • To provide the legal services  

  • To provide you with legal advice 

  • For invoicing purposes; and/or 

  • To comply with our legal obligations e.g. carrying out ID verification checks and AML/bankruptcy and credit searches. 

  • To run conflict checks. 

  • Any other use of your personal data that is necessary for us to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. 

  • The legal basis upon which we rely to use your personal data is as follows: 

  • To fulfil our own legitimate interests or those of the specialist credit reference agencies – that is both for credit control and for ID verification purposes. 

  • To comply with our own legal and regulatory obligations. 

  • For our performance of the contract for the provision of legal services to you. 

  • To fulfil our own legitimate interest and/or yours – that is to detect and prevent any criminal activity that could affect our reputation and/or yours. 

  • For our performance of the professional indemnity insurance contract with our insurer. 


We are accountable for all the information you give us, and we will tell you why we need the information when we ask for it. We will never sell your information and we will endeavour to keep your information as safe as possible. 


Third Party Processors 

From time to time, only where necessary to facilitate our relationship with you, we may transfer your personal data to our third-party data processors. Processors have obligations under the data protection legislation with regards to your data as well as obligations in accordance with their contractual relationship with us. 


We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.


These third-party data processors include: 

  • Our professional advisers and auditors; 

  • Our IT service providers; 

  • Credit reference agencies; 

  • Professional experts such as Barristers, Psychiatrists, Social workers who we instruct on your behalf or refer you to; 

  • Other stakeholder involved in your matter, including the other party and their advisers; 

  • Government authorities such as HMRC, MIB, Home Office, and law enforcement officials, where necessary; 

  • Tribunals and Courts  

  • Our professional indemnity insurance insurers, brokers or other relevant third parties, where necessary; 

  • Our bank; 

  • Potential buyers or acquirers, either in whole or part, of our firm; 

  • Successors in the interest of our firm, in the unlikely event of administration, liquidation or bankruptcy; 

  • insurance underwriters for the purpose of obtaining an insurance  

  • other members of Lamptons Solicitors for legal advice and/or specialist services necessary to facilitate the pursuit of your transaction.  


We will never sell your information to a third party, except in the unlikely event that we sell our business, or a part of it; in which case we may sell your information as part of the sale to allow the purchaser to carry on providing some or all of our services to you. 


Retaining Your Personal Data 

We have legal obligations to retain records containing personal data, even after the main purpose of a relationship has ended, for example where we acted for you regarding the sale of your house and that sale has now completed. 

In accordance with our obligations, legal documents will be retained for six (6) years, after which archived files are destroyed. Nevertheless, for all personal data, once our obligation to retain the data ceases, we will cease processing and destroy it. 

Accessing and updating your personal information  

You have a number of legal rights over the personal information held by us. These include the right:  

• to access your personal information held in our records, whether electronically or manually;  

• to correct or update any personal information that you think is incorrect;  

• to object to further processing, including stop receiving marketing material from us which you previously signed up for, by updating your marketing preferences;  

• to ask us to delete your personal information, we will only be able to accommodate this request where it is no longer necessary for the purpose(s) for which it was provided or where we no longer have a lawful basis to process your personal information;  

• to receive the personal information, we hold about you in a portable format, however this need only be provided in limited circumstances where the processing has been done by automated means; and  

• to ask us to stop processing your personal information in certain circumstances. Asking us to stop doing this may mean we are no longer able to provide you with legal services and impact your client retainer.  


You may contact us should you wish to have access to this information or to update or complete any of our records pertaining to your personal information. Requests can be made to:  


Lamptons Solicitors - 20 Central Avenue, Hounslow TW3 2QH  



For more information about this policy, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact We will endeavour to resolve any complaints, however if we are unable to do so to your satisfaction, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the website is WWW.ICO.ORG.UK or their telephone helpline 0303 123 1113. 

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